November 30, 2014

Natural Homemade Blog Hop!

Welcome to our Essential Oil Blog Hop! We are so glad you’ve decided to join us!

blog hop feature photo

Each blog will be giving away a sample of the recipe they have posted. In addition, we have one grand prize, the Essence of the Season Essential Oil Collection! The winner will be pulled from all the comments of everyone’s posts. To participate and be eligible for our prizes simply leave a single comment on our posts. We will be pulling the winners at 8:00 pm eastern on Monday, December 8. 


And now for my essential oil recipe…

Linen Spray

To view the video tutorial click here! 

You can use lavender, peace & calming or stress away to make a very relaxing spray to apply on your wrists or on your linens at bedtime.  Be careful and always test in an inconspicuous spot to check for color fastness and do not spray on silk.

Here's a little bit about the benefits of lavender:

If you are viewing this in your email subscription, go to to view the videos.

(Click here to learn more about purchasing essential oils, if you do not have them already)

We also have a private group on Facebook that has more recipes and discusses the Young Living Essential Oils.  If you do not already have someone that you purchase the oils through nor a Young Living account currently, please Click here to email me and ask to be added to the group! 

Be sure to check back this month at for more creative ways and Holiday gift ideas to use the Premium Starter Kit.   


Enjoy! Thank you for joining us. Don’t forget to comment and hop along to the next blogger!

November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Celebration Extended!

The aria diffuser and ningxia was just restocked! They extended it today! 

I know some have wanted another diffuser. Ok I have one in each bedroom and in the family room. Who doesn't need another diffuser. :) 

Here's a great opportunity to get the aria diffuser at 20% off and the home diffuser is 10% off!  The home diffuser also comes with a 5 ml bottle of peppermint and tangerine. These make great Christmas gifts! Oh who am I kidding? The aria is making it's way to my house too!

Here's the link: If you need help, I can help you with any questions and signup. 

Black Friday Sale thru End of the month!

Premium Starter Kit! The biggest savings!

If you purchased everything individually, everyday oils collection is $163.16, home diffuser is $98.68 and 5-ml Stress Away, AromaGlide Roller Fitment, two Lavender Sample Packets, two Peppermint Sample Packets, two Peace & Calming Sample Packets, two Lemon Sample Packets, two Thieves Sample Packets, three Sample Packet Business Cards, two NingXia Red 2-oz. samples, Distributor Agreement, Product Guide and Product Price List. $40.00 = $301.84

Instead you can get all of that for $150.00! That’s over 50% savings!

Yes! $150! Plus, tax and shipping. 

If you order by 11/30/2014, through me, I am offering $15.00 back!

It should show #1599704 in both boxes.

Plus, at 100 Pv, you get an entry for a chance to win a premium starter kit in November 2014!

November 28, 2014

Black Friday 20 percent off

While supplies last, you can get 20% off six favorites:

Aria diffuser

NingXia Red® 4 pk.

Helichrysum essential oil, 5 ml
NingXia Red Chrome Collection
Holiday Soap Pack
2014 Chocolessence™ Set

Young Living is closed Thanksgiving Day, so this online-only offer is available the rest of the holiday week: November 24, 25, 26, and 28. If you want the Aria diffuser or the Ningxia Red, I suggest placing the order as soon after Midnight MST as possible.  It resets each day during the sale but, Friday is the last day and the first days sold out FAST!  This offer is available as long as supplies last!
Young Living wants everyone to enjoy these savings, so although members may purchase all of the products available during this promotion, it is limited to one of each listed product per member. These discounts apply to regular orders only and cannot be purchased through the Essential Rewards program.

To order:
The Thanksgiving week promotion is available only through the new Virtual Office. If you haven’t made the switch yet, visit to get switched—the process is quick and simple.

To view the flyer:

If you would like to learn more, try an oil or purchase a premium starter kit, send me an email  I can send you my referral link and instructions on how to get these specials.

November 27, 2014


A special thank you to my friends who have supported me in my endeavors this year. It means so much to myself and my family! I have such gratitude that I have been able to help others with the oils that have also helped my family immensely.  #gratitude 

November 26, 2014

Up to 50% Off!

Have you wondered what all the talk about Essential oils was about? .

Have you wondered what all the talk about Essential oils was about?  I mean there is so much talk about oils.  Are you like me wondering what is a carrier oil? Neat application? Say what? It can be quite overwhelming in the beginning but, that is where I came in.  I thought well, these plant based things cannot help more than something that well ok truth be told one of those bottles sitting in my medicine cabinet that quite frankly were not cutting it either? Or could it? 
I have to say that I was quite sure that these oils would not work but, I had a little girl that had a horrible rash that the doctor confirmed was eczema.  The doctor prescribed a cortisone steroid cream that was so chemical laden that I cried.  I reluctantly used it on my daughter and it just made it worse spreading the rash further.  I was beyond my wits end and tried some oils that a friend told me about.  I figured it would not help but, I was willing to try these natural oils from plants instead of that chemical cream.  It sure could not hurt. 
I made up a cream using the recommended Young Living Essential Oils and coconut oil whipping it with a hand mixer.  I applied it on her skin a couple times a day, which usually amounted to twice a day. To my amazement, her skin cleared up!  I apply it to her now as needed.  I was amazed and so happy that I gave the oils a spin.  That was a huge blessing and I never used that cortisone steroid cream again!

This was only the beginning on what we have used the oils for.  I use oils daily from headaches to diffusing making the house a home.  I have lost 66 lbs, help keep us healthy and well rested as well as the kids even focus better in school. We have a saying around here that “there’s an oil for that!” There is just so much more and every day I am making our lives so much better.  The kids are learning to be healthier more active little people and moreover, I am not pumping chemicals into them because I have learned a better healthier natural alternative.  I am so happy that there was another option for my family.  As a Mom, I want to do the best for my kids and family.  Young Living Essential oils have been a catalyst to navigate through all the challenges that may come up trying to raise healthy, happy and productive little people.  They truly are a tool that helps to have at my disposal. 
I was so impressed about the oils improving my family that I wanted to help others.  I also found that as I shared with my friends about how the oils were helping my family, they came to me looking for ways to use the oils in their lives.  As a mother, I had the same desires as they did for natural safe alternatives to the daily challenges; we face as a mom especially when the usual remedies did not work.  I became a wholesale member and as I helped others, it became a way that I could continue to be a stay at home mom and supplement the family income.  It has become a huge blessing in so many ways that I am grateful for the opportunity to make a difference for so many like myself.
 I cannot believe that I took this journey almost a year ago next month.  In fact, the Premium Starter Kit was a gift, I purchased for my family at Christmas!  It was one of the best things that I did for them!   We are all better for it.  So, I wanted to do something special for others that might have challenges like we did with our daughter.  I do not want anyone to feel like they are boxed in without options.  That was a feeling that I do not wish on anyone.
I am offering up to 50% off now until the end of 11/30/2014.  There are some freebies and a number of other discounts that can help you give these oils a whirl to bring Holiday Cheer to your home.  

1)  While supplies last, you can get 20% off six favorites:

NingXia Red® 4 pk.
Helichrysum essential oil, 5 ml
NingXia Red Chrome Collection
Holiday Soap Pack
2014 Chocolessence™ Set

Young Living is closed Thanksgiving Day, so this online-only offer is available the rest of the holiday week: November 24, 25, 26, and 28. If you want the Aria diffuser or the Ningxia Red, I suggest placing the order as soon after Midnight MST as possible.  It resets each day during the sale but, Friday is the last day and the first days sold out FAST!  This offer is available as long as supplies last!
Young Living wants everyone to enjoy these savings, so although members may purchase all of the products available during this promotion, it is limited to one of each listed product per member. These discounts apply to regular orders only and cannot be purchased through the Essential Rewards program.
The Thanksgiving week promotion is available only through the new Virtual Office. If you haven’t made the switch yet, visit to get switched—the process is quick and simple.

To view the flyer:


2) Special Bonus Promotion: 10 Percent off Home diffuser includes 5 ml peppermint and tangerine.

Limited Time Savings: $9.87
Simply add the special Home Diffuser promotional Item No. 9923P or 9923 to your order and save 10 percent off at checkout for up to two per account—one for you and one for holiday giving! This offer is available for a limited time, while supplies last.
Home Diffuser: The Home Diffuser combines a humidifier, atomizer, and aromatherapy diffuser into an easy-to-use, rose-inspired design that can transform any indoor space. With soothing light effects and run settings to fit your needs, this diffuser disperses millions of microparticles of essential oils into the air.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
3) Want to try an oil or two?  I am extending my pricing which is approximately a 24% savings on it.  This is a way to try something out before you take the dive into the best savings option of the Premium Starter kit. 
4) Premium Starter Kit! The biggest savings!
If you purchased everything individually, everyday oils collection is $163.16, home diffuser is $98.68 and 5-ml Stress Away, AromaGlide Roller Fitment, two Lavender Sample Packets, two Peppermint Sample Packets, two Peace & Calming Sample Packets, two Lemon Sample Packets, two Thieves Sample Packets, three Sample Packet Business Cards, two NingXia Red 2-oz. samples, Distributor Agreement, Product Guide and Product Price List. $40.00 = $301.84
Instead you can get all of that for $150.00!That’s over 50% savings!
Yes! $150! Plus, tax and shipping. 
If you order by 11/30/2014, through me, I am offering $15.00 back!

It should show #1599704 in both boxes.
5) Do you want to earn a free oil?  I am offering a free 5 ml bottle of Jade Lemon for each referral that you make to me that purchases a Premium Starter Kit using enroller and sponsor #1599704 by11/30/2014.  Yep! No strings attached. 

6) If you want to gift this to someone you love, I got you covered! I am offering a gift certificate that you can present to your loved ones.  We can find something for teacher gifts, stocking stuffers or a premium starter kit for those on your Holiday shopping list. Let’s talk!

If you would like to learn more, try an oil or purchase a premium starter kit, send me an email  I can send you my referral link and instructions on how to get these specials.

I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving! 

Bobbi Jo

November 23, 2014

Young Living ätherische Öle Kurse

Kommt (virtuell) vorbei und lernt ein bisschen mehr über diese tollen ätherischen Öle, von denen wir immer reden! Du kannst von zu Hause aus dabei sein (auch im Schlafanzug und mit einem Glas Wein). Wir freuen uns auf Euch! Hier auf Facebook wird alles gepostet (Videos, Infoblätter, usw). Für diejenige, die am Eventabend teilnehmen,
  gibt's was zu gewinnen!

Schreib' Dich hier ein.


Sign up here:

November 17, 2014

Pumpkin Spice Scented Sugar Scrub

This makes a great Christmas gift! In fact, I got mine using my Christmas money. 

You can also, get a kit and split it for teacher gifts, stocking stuffers or make homemade gifts like spa, bath, baked goods and so much more. 

Pumpkin Spice Scented Sugar Scrub
• 1 3/4 cups brown sugar
• 1/4 cup white sugar
• 1 drop Cinnamon essential oil
• 1 drop Clove essential oil
• 1 drop Ginger essential oil
• 1 drop Nutmeg essential oil
• 1/4 cup almond or jojoba oil
• 1 Tbsp. honey
Combine sugars in a mixing bowl. Mix oils and honey together in a separate container. Combine liquid mixture with sugars in mixing bowl and stir until it reaches desired texture, adding more oil or sugar if necessary. Transfer to mason jar or other container and enjoy!

Watch my blog for more gift ideas to come. 

November 16, 2014

Last call!

Today is the last day for the kit with valor and peace & calming. This is the kit that helped me and my family! 
You can get it wholesale at a 50% savings over retail. Here's the link: If you need help, I can help you with any questions and signup. 

It makes a great Christmas present too! Or split a kit into multiple gifts. 

Here's a few suggestions for each oil: 

There is a drawing this month for all my customers to be entered for a chance for one lucky person to win a Premium Starter Kit in November 2014.

Here are some more details on the specials and classes that I am offering:

November 7, 2014

Most Expensive Drinks!

I caught a glimpse of the most expensive cocktail drinks and so want this one! I don't think we can keep the glass but, at that price, it should be included! So, if you're passing through Chicago, you can enjoy The Bean from the Terrace at Trump.

It’s served in a handmade ice glass shaped like Chicago’s very own Bean. It features Van Winkle Reserve 10-year old Bourbon, cream sherry, yellow chartreuse and blackberries. It will cost a cool $65!

Here's the video on a few other drinks:

It looks about the size of a fishbowl drink. 

American Girl Doll Makeover!

Is your little girl's American Doll in need of a spa day? Has her beautiful style become a tangled mess? 

My friend Jennifer fixed her dolls hot mess of a hairstyle. See the before and after picture! 

Jennifer put her whole head in doll curlers. Then, boiled water and put it in a spray bottle, saturating her hair with the really hot water. Next, she let her to dry in the curlers. When she took the curlers out, She gently, pulled them down and out to make sure the ringlets stayed.

Now, the American Girl doll is styling and ready to dance. 

Black Friday Ads


Toys r us 

If you have other links, email me and I'll add them to this list. Be sure to check back to see them as I add to this post. 

November 3, 2014

Fall in Love!

I prepared an apple pie with a double crust.

I then, cut some leaves using the cricut cake and pie crust. 

Here it is on the cutting mat.  Take a spatsula and gently lift the dough leaves and arrange around the top of the pie.

I painted the leaves with some Wilton Icing Color in the jars with a food grade paint brush.  I used red, orange, green and yellow. 

I then, used colored sugar in the corresponding colors.

The base around the leaves was sugared in a light yellow and the final touch is a punch of red in the center of the pie!

The best part was having fun with my family decorating it and ok...eating it!


It's even better served warm ala mode with ice cream!