Do you look at the pile of supplies that you have accumulated? The cartridges that you fought tooth and nail for at Black Friday? Or marvel at the recent score that you SAVED SO MUCH ON? Do you gleam with delight at all the wonderful projects you are going to make with all the pretty paper? :SCREECH: SLAM the breaks on! OMG...Pretty paper? Use my supplies?! OMG!!!!! Then, it will be used up and I won't have anymore? :SHREEK: Hmmmm....does that remind you of anyone?
Well....pretty paper.....and supplies were made to be used up and made into beautiful creations! Did you know that once you use the paper you CAN get more? Yes, you can! Or you could buy a few extra sheets esp. if you made something right away with it because it (hold on a new concept here.......) would still be in print and available in-stock. Also, those stamps were made to be inked, used and appreciated outside of their original packaging! :grin:
Ok there are some supplies that are more difficult to get but, sometimes isn't that part of the fun of a hobby? Trying to find the best deal, or to have it first or maybe even something very special and limited like perhaps an antique button or a clipping of your child's first haircut?
There is a price or value on an item that we purchase but, it somehow becomes priceless when we put our personal touch on them. Not only that but, the wonderful warm and fuzzy feeling we get with the satisfaction of the amazing things that we made out of simply paper, glue and a little inspirational creativity spun onto it far outweighs the monetary value. An added bonus is the accolades that we may receive from a friend, family member or even someone on a message board, swarm, or a wonderful comment on a blog whether it is your blog or a link from another blogger.
The increased pleasure that you will arrive at by using and creating your own beautiful masterpiece out of paper and glue will be exponentially greater than that which you arrive at by merely looking at that stack of paper and embellishments.
An Added bonus, once you get going you will improve! :) I'm a bit of a perfectionist and sometimes I find that holds me back too. :D Think of all the missed favorite projects that would go uncreated. Think of the missed opportunity for someone else that might be inspired or use your idea as a jumping off point to put their own spin on it?
Or maybe you want to recreate a beautiful inspiring project from a designer. That might even help get your feet wet because I know it will give you some ideas.
My Gypsy really helped me to get my feet wet! :D i find more time to design and it's relaxing. I also decided to swarm once a month so, that gives me a definite time and place that I MUST DO SOMETHING! :D
Now, you might ask what about if I mess up my creation? It's ok with mess ups too because scraps work for other things too! lol Yesterday I made a mistake and was all off in another world and forgot to delete an image on my gypsy screen. Unfortunately, it messed up the image because it cut words where they shouldn't be! :D So, i just scooped up the cuts and re-cut the affected image. oops! will I do it again....I hope not but, I probably will! :D
I own too many cartridges not to get my mind busy and hands wrapped around my gypsy to cut another day on my cricut!
What's holding you back? What is your inspiration? It is time to get your feet wet and .....JUST DO IT!