March 10, 2010

Pink Journey Elusive?

If you have not been able to get the Pink Journey, click here for more information.  You can see some image alternatives below with the pink images being from Pink Journey.  Most of the similar images are from Home Accents, Home Decor and Indie Art.

We have ribbons!  Pink Journey (in pink), the ribbon at the bottom is the one from Stand and Salute. You can also make your own ribbon using the ampersand (&) from nealy any font. The ampersands below are from George, Plantin and Don Juan.

I just think it is crazy what the cartridge is selling for on the secondary market.  It is not that breast cancer research is getting any additional funding from the sale of the cartridge outside of the initial sale. 

I still have not gotten it and would love to but, for a 'real' not inflated price.

You can see some cute cards that Kristen made with the cut from the stand and salute cartridge here.

(note:  to come back to the site just hit the back arrow button when you are done)

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