July 23, 2010

A Little Birdie Told Me.....

quote: I have some information from a little birdie. Around CHA next
week there will be an announcement for a 3rd party iphone Cricut app that is
already in its final stages of approval. I have already had the privilege of
reviewing this app and it will do many of the things you are all asking and
talking about. With many more features to come. That is all I can say for right
now but keep your eyes out for more info to come in the next few days.

Seems there are a lot of things to see at CHA!  So...word on the street is another APP is coming!  Although a lot have been uploading the books already, I just need to check this out!  Also, the books have been uploaded to the gypsy already.  I like to use the gypsy to see what carts I already have and reversely I can see which ones are still needed. 

How much would you pay for this APP?

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