October 22, 2010

Express Yourself!

Back in July, I applied to donate an Expression to a school of my choice.  They were very happy to have one donated especially as the school budget is like many schools not enough to handle basic needs.  Happily the Expression arrived and they are estatic! 

I will be going there to check out the machine and to give those teachers interested a brief tutorial of the machine.  So for those of you that nominated your schools, be on the look out because they are making their way to the schools now.  I hope that they will open this opportunity up again because it is such a great gift to give to our teachers and hopefully will assist in teaching our children. 

I am very excited to see what the teachers make with the Expression and perhaps they will share some pictures that I can post here.

plantin schoolbook
and accent essentials


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  1. That is so great, I'm sure all the teachers were very excited.

  2. That is awesome..
    NYGIRL1994 at yahoo dot com
