November 17, 2010

Home Sweet Home Votive!

Hello!! This weeks challenge is Home Sweet Home. We were asked to make an item that...was home decor, used at least one Cricut cut, used felt, had the color green in it and used the Cuttlebug. Ok I can cross off 4 of the 5 requirements as I do not own a Cuttlebug so, I wasnt able to use that part but I got all the others covered!! I saw an item like this over at SPS and I just fell in love with it. Of course I started to think ok how can I make this with what I have?


~*George and Basic Shapes cartridge

~*green felt

~*Purple, brown, green cardstock

~*white/orange cardstock I made on Print Shop

~*orange and gold oil pastel

~*tissue paper



~*Helmar Liquid Scrap Dots

I used my George and Basic Shapes cartridge set at 5 1/2 for the ovals of the pumpkin and cut thoes out of purple cardstock. I searched through my treasure trove of paper and didnt find anything that I wanted to use for the smaller ovals so I went on my computer and went into Print Shop and designed my own paper for the orange and white. I printed them out and cut them at 5 inches. I then did a center cut on the middle purple and orange/white ovals in 'Cylnder1'. Traced the edges of the orange/white paper with the orange pasted and then blended. Glued the orange/white to the purple ovals. Glued them together to make a pumpkin. Did this for both sides. I hand drew the vines on the green cardstock and cut them out and glued them down on the front. Drew out the leaves as well and glued. Cut out some leaves in the green felt and glued them to the other green leaves. For the flowers I made a 6 sided flower shape and cut it out or purple cardstock. I cut out one petal on the first one and then glued 2 peatals together to make a 4 petal outside. For the next layer I cut 2 petals off the 6 sided flower shape and glued 2 together to make a 3 petal flower. Then down to 2 and then one this same way. Glued all the layers together and then added a little glue right in the center to which I sprinkled a little glitter on. I made 3 flowers this way and then let them dry. After they were dry I used Helmar Liquid Scrap Dots to adhear the flowers to the front on the vines. I cut out a little tag for the front in green and cut a smller one in white. I used a gold oil pastel around the edges of the white and blended. Poked 2 brads in and then glued it to the front. I then cut out a little center half box thing and glude the front and back to it and there we go!! We have a Pumpkin votive holder!! YAY!!



  1. Cool project Jen! You know you can borrow my Cuttlebug whenever you need to, right? It would probably enjoy getting a little attention!

  2. love it! was wondering where the candle was but that is very clever and smart move on the battery operated candle.

  3. Oh What a Fantastic Idea! Great Job...I posted it on my blog, twitter, facebook and Google Buzz
