December 14, 2010

Peppermint Cricut Expression

Have you picked up the latest in the line of the Cricut Expressions?

She comes with Jasmine, doodlecharms and new cartridges: cricut font and cricut essentials. 

The Walmart black Friday expression comes with the lite cartridge playtime and cricut font. So there are three new exclusive carts.

I would like the cricut essentials and would trade for it if anyone is interested let me know. 

I just do not know about adding another cricut baby to my household. 

So, it seems that Plantin Schoolbook and Accent Essentials has made way for cricut font and cricut essentials. 

Will you be adding one of the new colors from Black Friday or this new Peppermint Cricut to your home?

- SweetSassyDiva


  1. This is the first I have seen of this one. I really wanted the plum one but think I would like this one better. I love the red accents. I don't have a craft room, more of an area in the family room so with my cricut probably being seen and wanting to tie a whole color scheme that goes well, I think hubby would appreciate the red over the purple. LOL He already told me I couldn't paint our bedroom purple so I don't think he would want purple decor in our family room for all to see. LOL He said it was fine in the bathroom though?! Go figure. LOL

  2. I have a money specifically for the Aqua Cricut Expression. On a tight budget and can't afford extra's right now so maybe someday that change jar will get me the expression I want so bad :D

  3. Tabitha I guess we will know where to find you then! ha ha

    Kristen, I still am trying to figure out how to grow that money tree.

  4. this one is very pretty. I would like an expression. I have a baby bug and it has served me well but now my horizons have widened I needed a bigger one. Hoping I get one for Christmas but doubt it'll happen. Better start rolling those pennies. :)

  5. I wish I could, but our budget is pretty tight.

  6. this one is on my list now..too cute to pass up on
