February 2, 2011

Blizzard of 2011

Where were you? We no doubt were hit by a lot of snow! My husband said let there be no doubt at how high the snow reached!

He's 6'. The official totals are 24.5" of snow. The snow covered a lot of the house with a little air gap thankfully around it.

Yes that is the car to the right It covered all the way up in pack to the trunk. The front was entirely covered with snow up over the roof. Poor little car! or correction, it's encapsulated into snow! She is not moving for some time because it's full of snow underneath. wow!

Here is where the front of the car once was located. What's funny is that the other car was completely clear of snow.

Here are our cute little ones playing in the snow. The huge white behind is a complete wall of snow!

I think she didn't know what to do with it!

This storm was huge! It also hit a lot of the country. Please share your Blizzard of 2011 pictures below and enter the state in the title.

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  1. OMG I can't even imagine. I'm in AZ and I think the high today is like in the 70's and I was just thinking how freezing cold I was because of the wind. Wow I'm not cold anymore. Hang in there make lots of scrapbook pages with snow pictures. That's something I don't get to do.

  2. WOW looks like you guys are buried in the snow. crazy

  3. OMG that is a ton of snow!!! WOW I'm in sunny california at it was about mid 60's in the morning and I was complaining wow not any more:) Stay safe and TFS

  4. Im in FL and it was 75 last time i checked. that sucks for your guys....

  5. OMG! That is a LOT of snow..stay warm :)
    Robin aka thecricutscrapper

  6. I am south of St. Louis. My are didn't get much snow but did get about 3-4 inches of sleet and Ice.

  7. Holy cow!! And that is why I will never live where it snows! I hope ya'll are keeping warm, and safe up there!
