April 13, 2011

Pie in the Sky!

I received an email from what I am sure is an official source that I am soon to be a millionaire!!! Amazing! What took so long?!  I will receive 40% of $10.5M US dollars!

All I have to do is provide a few details:

Please acknowledge receipt of this message in acceptance of our mutual business endeavour by furnishing me with the following to this my private email .

Your Full name: ............................

Your country: .........................

Your phone Number: ......................

Your private email address...............

Your age: ...............................

Your occupation: ......................

Your bank name & Address.........

Your Account number...........

That sure seems reasonable doesn't it?!  Aren't you jealous that you didn't receive this email?  I wonder why they didn't want my full name, date of birth and address?  I would surely think that we would want to become facebook friends and if I am giving them 60% of the take, wouldn't they send me a yearly birthday card and Christmas card?  Or I guess the 40% is my present for life! 
I mean seriously who would pass up on THIS deal? 

I think that I will need some ideas on how to spend this!  Can you imagine all the good you could do for the world? 

I wonder if I can stop clipping those coupons and looking for sales and crafting deals?  I guess I better go read the email some more and respond before someone else takes him up on the 40/60 deal! 

So, rather than dream about the Pie in the Sky, we made a Pie we could enjoy decorating and eating today!

I thought to do something more fitting for spring but, I was over ruled with some colorful leaves. 

I prepared a peach pie with a double crust.

I then, cut some leaves using the cricut cake and pie crust. 

Here it is on the cutting mat.  Take a spatsula and gently lift the dough leaves and arrange around the top of the pie.

I painted the leaves with some Wilton Icing Color in the jars with a food grade paint brush.  I used red, orange, green and yellow. 

I then, used colored sugar in the corresponding colors.

The base around the leaves was sugared in a light yellow and the final touch is a punch of red in the center of the pie!

The best part was having fun with my family decorating it and ok...eating it!


It's even better served warm with ice cream!


  1. This is looks delicious and is a treat to the eye as well. So when are you bringing yourself and your pie down here :) TFS

  2. lol...congrats on your big win....what a neat pie....love the colors and sprinkled sugar....yumm...tfs!

  3. ROFL!!! :o) What a yummy pie!! Yum!Yum

  4. Hilarious and a great segway to your fabulous pie!!!

  5. What a great pie! It looks so yummy! - Oh and congrats on your big win! LOL

  6. Very cute, Congrats!!!!

  7. Looks reallyb good!!
