June 23, 2011

Life's a Party!

Hi Everyone!!  It's Liza from Hoo's
   This week on SweetSassyDiva we were asked to make any
type of project using a cartridge not already tagged on the blog and it had to
start with the same letter as our first name.   I was able to pick
from a few that had not been used yet, but since I love a party...I picked Life's
A Party.

A friends daughter had a baseball birthday party and I wanted to make something
special for her.   One of my favorite cuts on this cartridge is the
birthday hat {found on pg 65}.   It's a simple cut that can be dressed
up so many different ways.  The possibilities are ENDLESS!

Colorbok cardstock
 Fit To Page to determine the size of the hat {8.25"}
Before gluing it together, I went to the sewing machine for a zig zag stitch at
the bottom
I cut the number from this cartridge also {3.75"} both the shadow and base cut.
I used a white pen for some faux stitching on the number as well as navy ink for
the edges.

The baseball was cut {1.5"}, assembled, and glued to the top of the hat to tie
in the theme of the party.
I cut ribbon at random lengths, tied in the center and placed into the center of
the hat before rolling the hat up.

Lastly, I used a hole punch to tie ribbon to the sides of the hat.

Thanks so much for checking out my project today. 
Stop by Hoo's Crafty to see
other projects I've been working on lately.  

Be sure to check back on SweetSassyDiva each day to see the amazing projects
from the Design Team.


  1. Liza very cute hat. I haven't done too much with this cart yet but this will certainly make me try it out. I agree endless possibilities.

  2. super cute! Makes you want to wear it!
