July 19, 2011

I Found My Style!

Good morning everyone! As I take a break to type this out I have spent my morning packing for our busy week. Starting tomorrow I will be gone for almost 2 weeks. We are leaving tomorrow afternoon to go up on a friends gold claim for 3 days. Then when we get back we will unpack and then repack and leave the next morning for the Kenai River to go get our yearly supply of salmon. Then we get back take 2 day breather and then repack for camping with our family doing a 4 wheeler fun run. AHHHHHHHH sounds crazy but we love this time of year! So on with my project. I have always been asked what my crafting style was. And honestly I never really knew myself. I would just usually browse sites looking for ideas untilI felt inspired and then create. That was until I founf my style recently. It was like what they tell you when you buy a house, when you find it you will just know. I would like to announce I have found my style LOL!! It seems to come to easily and naturaly to me to create in this style. And my style is....Shabby Chic or Vintage Chic or whatever its called. I have always loved vintage styles. You will find me on most days listening to big band music while I craft and I collect alot of vintage items. My fav era is WWII, the early 1940's. So when we were asked to create a Christmas in July project I thought "What is the first thing I think of when I think of July and Christmas?" July was red, white and blue. Christmas was Santa. I put the 2 together and set out to search for a great pic of a vintage patriotic Santa. I found a vintage music sheet and put them all together you can see the result below! ~*Jen*~

~*DCWV cardstock for their Christmas Stack
~*Chipboard banner and snowflake from K&Co
~*Music sheet
~*Picture of Santa
~*Red button
~*Blue ribbon
~*Half of a paper doiley
Here are a few more cards I have made this past week with my new style...

This one is not finished yet but I thought I wouod still share :)


  1. Jen I love to make vintage things too. Your cards are absolutely amazing. I love how you did the strips behind the Santa. I love the old pattern and the Fresh Eggs one. So cool.

  2. You are so good creating vintage cards. I haven't been able to create with that style yet. Looks great!

  3. Very pretty cards. I love the strips behind Santa. Beautiful.
