November 27, 2011

Trim a Tree Design Team Challenge!

Wow so hard to believe it is the end of November and Christmas is only a month
away. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones.
 This is the time that we are all super busy with the hustle bustle of the
holidays and Christmas crafting.   Our fearless leader Bobbi Jo asked the
Design Team to come up with some ideas for challenges and this week I came
 up with
"Trim a Tree"- Design a project to hang on your tree.  
I actually saw a project like this on Pinterest (my newest addiction) but with
real wood blocks.  So I got out my Tags, Bags, Boxes and More and started
my ornament.
At first I cut the box from page 119 at fit to page and it was way to big.
 So next I cut the box at  5.5 inches At that size I was able to fit
two boxes on a page and it was a great size for an ornament when I stacked three
I used paper in my stash from last year that was fairly stiff so the boxes would
hold their shape better.
The paper can be single sided as the other side will not show.
Once the boxes are cut  I folded along the score lines.  
I punched pictures with this handy two inch punch from my "extras" stash.
 I glued my pictures on with the glue gun.  I glued mine on after I
made the boxes however I would recommend you glue them on while the box is flat
so you don't have to worry about smashing your boxes.
I had these cute little buttons I got last year on clearance and I glued them on
the corners.
Hope you like my project and will come back all week to see what all the Design
Team has made.  I can't wait to see what  all the DT creates.


  1. What a great 'memory' ornament that will be enjoyed for years to come ! Wonderful idea, Suzanne !

  2. What a fabulous idea Suzanne! This is such a cute ornament for the tree!!! I am going to have to make some of these as well with extra pics.

  3. this way tooooo cute!!!
