February 27, 2012

Cute as a Button!

Good Morning! This is Jen from 3 Cats and a Bug. The theme for Sweetsassydiva's this week is buttons. It couldn't have come at a better time for me, my Grandson IS cute as a button! I started out with a frame from Sophie. I used my Gypsy and enlarged the frame to 9.67 x 8.71. I added a square with rounded corners from George and Basic Shapes at 5.3 x 4.7 and centered it in my frame. While I was cutting that out in light blue, I used my gypsy again and removed the square and then used the "hide contours" button to only cut the outside frame. I cut that in dark blue. I took a 5x7 picture and trimmed it down to fit inside the frame and glued it all together. And that's when I remembered I didn't take pictures! :/
I used country life to cut out my letters @ 2. While that was cutting, I started sorting through my buttons.
I also cut out one button from the Wild Card cartridge, cut @20. I used a piece of purple ribbon to "sew" it.
Once I glued down all my words, I picked out all my buttons. I attached them using glue dots. I added a blue bow to the top of the page. All that's left to do is find a 12 x 12 frame and hang it on my wall!
Thanks for looking!


  1. The flower frame looks so cute with all the buttons on it. Also love the button for the o in your title. Very clever. This will look so awesome in a frame on the wall.

  2. Awww, this lo is cute as a button!!! lol Pun intended! I love how you did your frame and I love, love the buttons in the center of the daisies! The pic is just darling! Congrats on this sweet little bundle!!!
