March 21, 2012

Pineapple Field?

 LO sketcch

Hello Crafty Friends!  It's Brenda here from Friends Craftin with Friends.  This week at Sweet Sassy Diva we were to do a lo using this sketch.

So I started by gathering some papers that I wanted to use and getting my mats ready.
Then I punched out my layer and did a test run to see how I like my elements together. 
Uh, no the tractor tire paper wasn't working for me. lol  So I replaced that with paper that was a corn field.  That works much better!! So I glued everything down.
Next I did my title on my Gypsy welding it together.  I used the Billionaire font and I used Pop Up Neighborhood for my corn stalks.  I glued my title down, added some doodling, then I layered my corn stalks and stickled the corn.  Yes, I can find a way to use bling even on farm pages. lol 
And here is my completed lo.  Please excuse the two pictures on the right.  I was printing them when I ran out of ink, so the color is off by a lot.  I will have to reprint these two when I get more ink.
Here are a few close ups:
I hope that you have been inspired to use some sketches!  They sure do come in handy for when you are having one of the lack of mojo times!!

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