September 19, 2012

Sweet on Organizing!

Hello my crafty friends, Brenda here.  At Sweet Sassy Diva we were given the challenge of organizing with our Cricuts.  Well I'm not sure if you would call this organizing, but I did label some things. When all my guys were home I baked everynight almost so I kept old 5 gallon tubs that had mayonnaise in them for my flour and sugar because I went through so much of it.  I would buy 25 lbs of flour and of sugar constantly.  Well recently I was able to down size and only buy 10 lbs of each at a time.  Finally I could get rid of those huge tubs in my pantry.  So I went to Wal-Mart and got me some of the big glass jars and set off labeling with my Cricut.  I used From My Kitchen Cricut and Street Signs cart and my trusty Gypsy girl to do just that.  There was already a "flour" on there but not a "sugar" label.  So I had to make my own on that one.  I took two ovals and nestled into each other then I took my letters from Street Signs and placed into my center oval.  Welded my letters together once I had them the way I wanted them.

Then after I had it all the way I thought I wanted it I checked it out with the "eye" feature on my Gypsy to see how it would cut out. Looking good so far.

Here is what the flour and the beverages one look like that was already on the FMK cart and I only had to size them and cut them out. 

Here is what the flour and sugar look like on my glass containers.  I didn't cut the "beverages" one because I wasn't sure if I wanted that one or not and I still haven't decided. lol

This is much better than the big 5 gallon buckets don't you think? lol  But when you are cooking and baking for 8 people you need big containers like that.  I still bake a few times a week, but can manage with smaller jars of flour and sugar. lol  I hope you can find something to label or organize with your Cricut.  Until next time my crafty friends...Happy Crafting!