October 30, 2010

Open...if you Dare!

I hope you enjoyed all of the pink projects but, it is not over yet..... there are still some SweetSassyDiva Designers that want to share some more wonderful projects in jewel-tones and fall colors!  Do you have your Halloween costume ready?  Whether you are handing candy out, going trick or treating or tripping the light fantastic....here are some ideas to get you ready to enjoy the weekend!

Halloween Waterfall Card and Introducing......

Kristin!  I'm 25 years old. I'm a music teacher by trade, and a cake decorator as a side job. I've been married for a little over then a year, and we have two babies (of the four legged variety), a Yorkie named Bella and a 6th month old adorable mutt we rescued named Dixie. I am actually fairly new to papercrafting. I bought the Cricut Cake for myself as soon as it came out to help with my small cake decorating business. I fell in love with my machine, and it made me think about what all of the papercrafting Cricuts could do. Last spring, my rural school district decided to eliminate their music program due to budget cuts, therefore leaving ME out of a job. I needed something to do with all of my newfound free time, so I bought a used Baby Bug from a friend, and my obsession with papercrafting was born.

I started my blog, The Crafty Kitchen, over the summer as a place to share my Cricut Cake and paper Cricut projects. I can't believe in this short amount of time I have almost 150 followers! I absolutely love my new found passion, and I can't wait to share some of my projects with you on SweetSassyDiva :)

Fright Night


*Waterfall Card .Gypsy File (available on my blog)
*DCWV Midnight Spell cardstock, glitter and pattern stacks
*Crop-A-Dile and large eyelets
*Mini Monsters Cartridge
*Happy Hauntings Cartridge
*Recollections Halloween Brads
*Purple Glitz Stickles
*Tim Holtz Dusty Concord Distress Ink


  1. I'm so sorry about your job. On the bright side, look how much fun you're having with your papercrafting & cake adventures.

  2. Very cute! Halloween is a holiday that makes the imagination run wild!!

  3. Great Cards!!! Thanks for sharing.


  4. I just love Halloween! The waterfall card is cool looking. Will have to add to my list of cards to try.

  5. STILL HOPING TO WIN THE PINK ATG GUN!!!!!!!!!leighkalbfleischathotmaildotcom

  6. Awesome cards!! Love them both. Donna, you are amazing for being on the road and creating a gorgeous card like that.


